We leverage best-in-class connectivity and technology to innovate industry-leading, fully automated solutions that empower enterprises with complete access, control, security, and scalability.
Our US data center provides optimization through its operations via secure, scalable, and redundant facilities. Our US data center is in a qualified disaster safe zone ensuring the most protection possible. Our service is responsible for the configuration, and maintenance of all physical hardware, application software, and operating systems in our data center and has personnel on site 24/7.
For more details with our other data center please click on the following link:
Our Network Operations Center (NOC) is built right in the center of our support facilities and is staffed 24/7/365 by certified systems administrators and network engineers. The 21 screens that make up our NOC monitor everything from network traffic and performance to power, temperature and security systems to services, applications, known vulnerabilities and RAID array status on customer servers.
Our data centers are built upon a unique pod design concept, making them functionally independent with distinct and redundant resources, and fully integrated through our revolutionary network architecture. You can have direct control over your system in any data center and full access to all of our back-end services—all fully automated and on demand.
Each data center facility features one or more pods, each built to the same specifications with best-in-class methodologies to support up to 5,000 servers. Leveraging this standardization across all geographic locations, we optimize key data center performance variables including: space, power, network, personnel, and internal infrastructure.
We have tremendous cooling infrastructure, with dual redundant chilled water supply loops and multiple Liebert air conditioning units pumping cold air into the pressurized raised floor of our data center.
Our state-of-the-art fire suppression has three levels of protection. The facility is designed and constructed to sustain a seismic event while maintaining business functions and boasts low latency through superior connections to Seattle’s robust fiber optic loops, 55MW of existing electrical capacity, 45 on-site generators with 5-million gallons of on-site fuel storage, and a carrier vault system supported by more than 50 miles of embedded, secure conduits.
We operate the Screaming-Fast Network™, featuring multi-homed bandwidth with connections to over 40 networks. We route traffic over major Tier 1 Internet backbones such as UUNet/MCI, Level 3, NTT/Verio, and AboveNet, with no low-quality bandwidth and plenty of network capacity for maximum reliability and scalability..
Our data center power is fed by conditioned UPS (uninterruptible power supply) electricity and with the following systems in place to ensure power back-up.